2025 Meeting Dates & Info
January 3
February 6
March 6
April 3
May 1
June 5
July 3
August 7
September 4
October 2
November 6
December 4
Monthly notices will be published in the
newspaper when it is necessary to conduct
business before the Commission.
These meetings shall be held at 7:00pm
at Zion City Hall
2828 Sheridan Road
Zion, Illinois.
Planning and Zoning Commission
The Planning & Zoning Commission is an advisory board which makes recommendations to the City Council whether to approve or deny applications for zoning changes, text amendments, variances, special use permits, preliminary and final plats
5 Year Term
7 members with 5 year staggered terms — Mayor appoints chairperson — No less than 4 quarterly meetings – Provided for in Ordinance 2001-O-19
Name | Term Expires | Notes |
Gerald Riley | 04/30/25 | Chairperson |
Kendra Heffelman | 04/30/29 | |
Desiree Johnson | 04/30/25 | |
Kathy Champine | 04/30/29 | |
Bruce Quinn | 04/30/29 | |
Vacant | 04/30/29 |
Planning/Zoning Commission Publication Timeline
The Zion Planning/Zoning Commission meets on the first Thursday of every month. Per State Statue, notice must be placed in a newspaper of general circulation no less than 15 days prior to the meeting date. The City of Zion publishes Planning & Zoning Dockets and meeting dates as a legal ad in the Zion-Benton News, a weekly publication, available on Thursdays. In order to place a legal ad in the ZB News, the City must have ad copy to the paper no later than the Friday prior to the Thursday publication date. Applicants must file a completed application and any supporting documents with City staff no later than the Wednesday prior to the newspaper deadline.